Scott Brown, David Brown, Paul Negrut, Andy Davis, Nathaniel Davis
We were invited to Romania by Dr. Paul Negrut, President of Emmanuel University in Oradea Romania. He is one of the happiest men you will ever meet.
He asked us to come and to speak of the biblical roles of fathers and mothers and how the church should be reformed accordingly to facilitate the biblical pattern of family life.
Emmanuel University
My work was to bring the message of returning to biblical order in the home and the church, first by establishing the doctrine of the sufficiency of scripture and to ask the question, “if you lived on a desert island, and all you had was the Bible, how would you think and how would you live.”
After establishing the doctrine of sufficiency of scripture, I preached on some major passages of scripture which define church and family life – particularly those which are under attack. I used Deuteronomy 6 which speaks of the role of fathers in education; Psalm 78 which is a call to break the ungodly patterns of our forefathers; Ephesians 6:1-4 and the role of parents in securing honor in their children; I Peter 3 on the importance of the family life of a church leader and “Seven Pillars of Biblical Womanhood. Andy Davis spoke on the Role of Fatherhood in the Plan of Redemption, Psalm 2 which speaks of the role of the man in protecting his family and several other passages which demonstrate the sufficiency of scripture in the life of the believer.
Titi Bulzan was our constant companion and guide, making our ways straight and keeping us laughing.We had the opportunity to present a week of classroom instruction at Emmanuel University David and I spent the week with a class of students developing the themes above and gave them an exam at the end of the week. It was a “for credit” class. Andy had a class of theology students.
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Oradea Romania
We had the opportunity to preach in a large metropolitan church in the main Sunday service at Emmanuel Baptist Church with approximately 2700 people in attendance. I preached from Deuteronomy chapter six and the implications for the role of fathers in the home, the biblical view of education and the biblical view of fertility. I also spoke on the doctrine of the sufficiency of scripture using Psalm 19 as my text in their Thursday evening service.
The Three year old boy on the far right gave a perfect recitation of the whole of Psalm 23 in front of 2700 people... notice the proud father on the left. He is training his children by helping them memorize scripture. Notice me and Andy and Paul Negrut beaming with joy...
Preaching in a country churchesAndy and split up and preached on Sunday morning in churches nearby. At the one I went to, the men sat on the left and the women on the right. We ate two wonderful lunches in the homes of two church family members.
Father/Son meetings at Emmanuel
Fathers and sons were invited to Friday and Saturday evening sessions in which we defined the father/son relationship.
Showing the film, “League of Grateful Sons” On Saturday night
Went on the Radio for the Sufficiency of Scripture and Uniting Church and Family
We taped a 90 minute radio program in a very modern studio on the subject of Uniting of Church and Family. It will be translated and aired all over Romania. We spoke of the need for reforming the church in this area, gave the Trinity Baptist and Vision Forum web sites for more information. We spoke of all of the major categories of the message of the National Center for Family Integrated Churches.
Pastors Meeting on expository PreachingOn our last day, we met with around 25 Baptist pastors from Arad Romania. We were given the platform for two sessions that included the argument for the practice, which I gave and an example of what it looks like which Andy Davis gave. It was a joy for Andy and me to stand together and be completely in one accord as we spoke of the wonder of the Word of God and the sacred responsibility to trustfully deliver the words to the hearers.
David getting a quick Jet Lag Sleep in an airport
Modern food store... thousands more products than in the communist days. Let freedom ring.